Take your positions

On 5th September, 2013, the European Chamber published the European Business in China Position Paper 2013/2014.

European Chamber Lobby Report – August 2013

A round up of lobbying actions undertaken by the European Chamber during the month of August. Meeting with Vehicle Emission Control Centre (VECC), MEP On 5th August, the Chambers’ Auto Components Working Group met with no fewer than three Ministerial Departments — the Ministry of…

European Chamber Lobby Report – July 2013

A round up of lobbying actions undertaken by the European Chamber during the month of July. Meeting with the  Mayor of Huai’an On 4th July, the European Chamber’s Shanghai Chapter welcomed a delegation led by Huai’an Mayor Mr Qu Futian. On behalf of the Chamber’s…


In for the Long Haul

Aerospace and aviation are both growing industries in China

An Industry on the Up

The Chinese aerospace manufacturing market has become a fairly hot media topic in recent years

Will China Really Face A Middle Income Trap?

There is a peculiar, well-documented phenomenon that often occurs during countries’ development processes, whereby fast-growing, emerging economies begin to slow down

European Commissioner for Trade Karel DeGucht

European Chamber Lobby Report – June 2013

A round up of lobbying actions undertaken by the European Chamber during the month of June.

airbus plane

Come Fly with Me

From the delivery of their first aircraft 28 years ago until the present day, Airbus’ operations in China have grown impressively

EUCCAP Workshop for Senior Investigator in Europe, March 2012)

EU-China Civil Aviation Project

  Steady growth in China’s aviation industry has seen its total number of flights reach around 10,000 per day, the third highest in the world behind the European Union (EU) and the United States (US

Image courtesy of Lufthansa

‘I’ in the Sky

Obtaining government approval for new aviation projects or initiatives in China is a complicated procedure for foreign airlines