Who’s who in the European Commission?

In the first of this ‘Who’s who?’ series, Jules Meunier, Business Manager in the Shanghai Chapter, introduces Jean-Claude Juncker, Federica Mogherini and Miguel Arias Cañete. Jean-Claude Juncker Position: President of the European Commission Age: 61 Nationality: Luxembourg Party: European People’s Party (centre-right) President Juncker is…

Meet the Ambassador: HE Hans Dietmar Schweisgut

In this exclusive interview the new Ambassador of the European Union to the People’s Republic of China and Mongolia, HE Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, speaks to EURObiz about EU-China relations

Cleantech in China

IP Strategies for a Rapidly Expanding Market

The PRC Safe Production Law

A number of serious workplace accidents in recent months has led to a building concern over the safety of production in China.

China’s Green Building Sector

Although the concept of ‘green building’ has been in Europe for more than two decades, it only landed in China 10 years ago.

A clean sheet: environmental sustainability in the paper manufacturing industry

There is increasing pressure on China’s manufacturing industry to make concerted efforts to minimise their impact on the environment.

Shanghai: the economic nexus of China

With a population of over 25 million, Shanghai, often referred to as the ‘Paris of the east’, is the economic centre of China.

Water wise

EU-China collaboration for delivering better urban water infrastructure in China through integrated eco low carbon urban planning.