BRI: An Optimistic View from Harrogate, UK

From a European perspective the story of the BRI is a mixed bag of optimistic rhetoric and political suspicion. However, de­spite the sky-is-falling noises mainly from nationalistic European politicians, Chinese investment across Europe remains both sought-after and welcomed by business, according to Jon Geldart, Executive…

Book Review: China’s Asian Dream—Empire Building Along the New Silk Road

Reviewing Tom Miller’s book China’s Asian Dream: Empire Building along the New Silk Road, Kevin O’Donnell tells us that Westerners may be forgiven for having only a vague idea of the resource wealth and geopolitical significance of countries in Central Asia. But the Chinese are…

BRI: The Long and Winding Road

In his forward to this special issue of Eurobiz on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Mats Harborn, President of the European Chamber of Commerce in China, outlines the constructive role the Chamber has to play when it comes to improving BRI projects. Focusing on…

Elevating your China Story to Global Audiences in Times of Uncertainty

Being involved in the Chinese market remains a key priority in these multinational corporations (MNCs) strategic plans. However, many fail to adequately communicate their China activities and success stories. This represents a wasted opportunity for MNCs, who sometimes feel they need to wait for a…

Future-proofing your China strategy and business operations

China has entered an extremely disruptive phase of its development for all businesses—foreign and domestic. The trade war between the US and China may be the current focus, but its domestic plays, such as the ‘Made in China 2025’ policy and the Cybersecurity Law in…

China’s Standardisation Reform and Its Impact on European Companies with Business in China

Standardisation plays an important role in market access; in fact, it immediately impacts how companies can conduct business, says Dr. Betty Xu, Standardisation Expert, Project Director of the Seconded European Standardisation Expert in China. China standardisation law reforms in recent years changed the way that…

How China Is Transforming Shared Mobility

China is powering ahead of other countries in developing a sustainable shared mobility market. Jean-François Salzmann, Managing Partner of Mazars in China looks at how the market is already showing signs of maturity in comparison to the rest of the world and what the automotive…

A Sound Plan

Marketing high-end audio in the Middle Kingdom

The Case OF Huawei V Samsung

A new benchmark for standard essential patent litigation in China

Clearing Up Accounting Complications

Explaining developments in China’s accounting standards