Investing in Influence: is your company doing enough?

With the ‘Two Sessions’ now behind us, the European business community in China is looking at the rest of the year and evaluating how the many laws passed during the meetings will affect us. Several pieces of legislation that were approved are foundational documents that…

Planning New E-ventures: China’s Funding Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

2018 appeared to be a turning point for the European Union in terms of artificial intelligence (AI). In December, the European Commission released a Coordinated Plan on Artificial Intelligence with EU member states. This followed the EU’s earlier decision last year[1]  to increase investment in…

Caught in the cross-fire: the effects of the US-China trade war on European companies

On 3rd September 2018, the European Chamber published the re­sults of a survey conducted earlier in the summer.

State of play of EU-China relations

The Trump Administration considers China a strategic competitor to confront, rather than a country with which to engage. The EU, on the contrary, refers to China as a strategic partner and, despite persistent and considerable differences in position in some areas, continues to engage.

It’s Time for Good Faith and Meaningful Action

The European business community continues to feel the impacts of the US-China trade conflict, as the 2nd March deadline for resolving the tensions looms. Disrupted by tariffs on USD 250 billion in Chinese imports to the US, and USD 110 billion in American imports into…