
A Tenants’ Market?

The impact of oversupply and COVID-19 on Tianjin’s office rental business

Chinese Luxury Brand Consumers

A generational, gender and city-tier analysis 

In for the Long Haul

Developing a Sustainable Operating Environment for Airlines in China

Banking in a Pandemic

The impact of COVID-19 on European banks in China’s banking industry

Can I Sit and Stay Healthy?

Alternatives to sitting from Monday to Friday

Posture Restoration

A comprehensive vision for your body

Radically Digital

Creative innovation during COVID-19

Catalyst for Change

Breaking through the digital barrier in mainstream higher education   COVID-19 has been the catalyst for unprecedented change within higher education (HE) institutions that previously favoured traditional modes of teaching. Whereas the reaction of the education sector during the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak of 2002/2003 was wholesale suspension or…

Data Fabric

How to create a consistent data experience across your data ecosystems