
Clean up your act: Are all companies equal in China’s fight against fraud?

  China’s ongoing drive to clean up corruption continues to grab headlines, and companies operating in China are now more aware than ever that they need to comply with the law.

Cleantech in China:IP strategies for a rapidly expanding market, part II

  China is investing heavily in alternative, renewable means to address its continually expanding energy needs.

In the know: Labour & Employment Law in China

Are you aware of your tax and social insurance obligations? Do you know if you have to pay overtime to your staff?  And how should you deal with a labour dispute?

Cleantech in China

IP Strategies for a Rapidly Expanding Market

China’s Green Building Sector

Although the concept of ‘green building’ has been in Europe for more than two decades, it only landed in China 10 years ago.

Foreign investment restraints in China

A recently-published report has revealed the extent to which foreign investment is restrained in China.

The Great Wall and Chinese Reforms

By examining the quality of a country’s institutions relative to its gross domestic product per capita, a clear pattern emerges.

Protecting trade secrets: Part II

Nearly all businesses in all industries and sectors possess trade secrets. They are a valuable and highly useful form of intellectual property rights (IPR).

Labour dispatch: a legal update

Labour dispatch is simply not a tool that can be used to achieve flexibility of workforce and headcount as it is European countries.

Working with today’s Chinese business leaders

A report by the EU SME Centre explains how to leverage similarities and differences of Chinese and European leaders to develop a truly global leadership team in China.