President’s Message

State-led Development

Short-term Gains for Long-term Losses

R&D in China: Racing Forward but with Hurdles Ahead

President’s Forward for Research and Development in China

Closing the Gap

Addressing the divide between IPR regulations and enforcement

A Healthy China Requires Healthy Market Access

In few other areas does China display a range of conditions as broad as those found in the field of healthcare. Urban areas of China are already suffering from medical problems that many developed countries face today, such as diabetes and high-rates of obesity. At…

China’s Economy Needs Concrete Reform

This Op-Ed was published originally in the Wall Street Journal, Asia Edition, on 19th September 2017

President’s Foreword: EU-China Summitry, Sustainability and Such

I have now had the pleasure of serving as President of the Chamber for just over two months. During this time, I have met with many members and going forward I hope to learn more about the opportunities and challenges you face in the Chinese…

The Necessity of Compliance

The European Chamber has long been established as an influential institution that makes a real difference in improving the business climate for European companies in China. I was therefore honoured and humbled when the members of the Chamber elected me as the new president on…

President’s Forward: the European Chamber on China Manufacturing 2025

Xi Jinping promised the World Economic Forum in January that China would resist the global trend toward protectionism and champion economic globalisation . While the Chinese president’s message was welcome, the reality is that Beijing has doubled down on industrial policy that might damage its own…

Cybersecurity’s Impact on European (and Chinese) Business

On 7th November, 2016, the Chinese authorities passed a new Cybersecurity Law that will have significant ramifications for the operations of European businesses

SMEs in China: New Opportunities and Old Challenges

The European Chamber has long advocated for the interests of European SMEs in China. In the EU they are important sources of employment – over the past five years, SMEs have created around 85 per cent of new jobs and provided two-thirds of total private…