
Trapped behind the firewall

Foreign VPN services disrupted in China: a change in law or a change in enforcement?

Cyber security

Are China’s policies making the nation more secure, or isolating it from the rest of the world?

Mind your business: Managing data privacy risks in the big data era

Access to personal information can present enormous opportunities in the big data era.

Onwards and upwards

The European Chamber has developed our 2014–2017 Strategy Review, which promises improvements to our member services in a number of areas.

Light at the end of the tunnel? – the draft Foreign Investment Law

The various laws and regulations pertaining to the incorporation of foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) are soon to be consolidated.

Doffing the Cap – Foreign investment in e-commerce in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Since its launch in 2013, the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (CSPFTZ or Zone) has been attracting increasing amounts of foreign investment in many sectors.

The Way Ahead

The European Chamber was established in 2000, with the vision to be the unified, independent and influential voice of European business in China. 

Thinking small: EU SME Policy

  Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) collectively accounting for over 99 per cent of all enterprises and creating 85 per cent of all the new jobs in the last five years.

Where do we go from here? The future of EU-China relations

  It’s time for a re-set of the European Union’s (EU’s) messy and frequently mismanaged relations with China.

Who’s who in the European Commission?

The low down on three more figures from the new European Commission: Frans Timmermans, Cecilia Malmström and Elżbieta Bieńkowska