
China Can’t Afford To Delay Reforms

Hopes that China will follow through on plans for urgently needed economic reforms are receding.

Protecting the people: China’s Consumer Law

China’s consumer protection regime has come on leaps and bounds in recent years, and has evolved in tandem with its economic development.

The EU-China Legal Affairs Dialogue

Vĕra Jourová, European Union (EU) Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Equality, will launch the EU-China Legal Affairs Dialogue on 20th June.

Chamber lobby success paves the way for new industry desk

The European Chamber is planning to create a new industry desk focussed on advocating for the fashion and leather industry.

China’s Trial Negative List for (domestic and foreign) market access

In recent years, the business community in China has been abuzz with talk of various market access ‘negative lists’ – lists of exceptions to what would otherwise be open market access.

European Business in China Business Confidence Survey 2016

The purpose of the European Chamber’s European Business in China Business Confidence Survey is to take an annual snapshot of European companies’ successes and challenges in China.

Reorganising the European Chamber’s working groups

European Chamber Vice President Bertrand de la Noue explains why the Executive Committee took the important decision to reorganise the Chamber’s working groups and how this will improve member interaction with Chinese authorities while ensuring that our messaging is more consistent.

More Consumers, More Choices and More Opportunities

The European Chamber has followed with great interest two recent legal developments that can positively impact consumer rights in China: the Consumer Safety Law and the new Food Safety Law. Updated in 2013, the former includes stronger rights for consumers to return faulty products and…

Who’s in charge? Chamber election results 2016

  Executive Committee The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to announce that member company representatives confirmed Jörg Wuttke as president, during the European Chamber’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 27th April.

Xi’s Master Five-Year Plan: adjusting to the ‘new normal’ for foreign investors

On the last day of the annual Lianghui (two sessions), China’s NPC delegates almost unanimously approved the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020).