
Closing the Gap

Addressing the divide between IPR regulations and enforcement

Internet Registration Rules in China

What do revised measures mean for the future of Chinese Internet?

Doing Business in Xi’s Era

 Business implications from the 19th Party Congress

Beyond Healthcare Reform

Engineering a health-conscious society for the future

Health and Wellness in China

Healthy China 2030 and its effect on the future of healthcare development in China

A New Direction for China’s Pharmaceutical Management Model

The effects of adopting international pharmaceutical standards

A Healthy China Requires Healthy Market Access

In few other areas does China display a range of conditions as broad as those found in the field of healthcare. Urban areas of China are already suffering from medical problems that many developed countries face today, such as diabetes and high-rates of obesity. At…

China’s 19th Party Congress

What does this congressional meeting spell for the future of business in China

China’s Struggles to Attract Foreign Investment

The role of navigating negative lists in China’s market

China’s Economy Needs Concrete Reform

This Op-Ed was published originally in the Wall Street Journal, Asia Edition, on 19th September 2017